Regulatory Compliance

Yandex is committed to conducting business in full compliance with the applicable norms, standards and laws, as set forth in our Code of Business Ethics and Conduct.
Provisions of the Code are based on international conventions, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention, UN Global Compact, and others.

Principles We Follow


Yandex has zero tolerance for and strictly forbids any form of corruption or bribery. We must not offer, give, solicit or receive any money or anything else of value for the purpose of obtaining, retaining or directing business, or bestowing or receiving any kind of favored treatment. We must also refuse to accept bribes, kickbacks or any other illegal or improper payments, transfers or receipts, and commit to strictly following our internal policies on giving and receiving any gifts or entertainment.
Shall you have any concerns regarding the violation of anti-corruption laws, you can forward them to the hotline.


Yandex strongly supports fair competition which is the key to innovation, and avoids any anticompetitive practices or arrangements. We encourage our employees to consult with the legal department whenever they have any compliance concerns. All non-routine business projects and draft contracts are commonly reviewed by the legal team to exclude the risks of violations.
We also aim to cooperate with competition authorities, especially in countries where Yandex conducts its business, and always try to provide sufficient information to address legitimate requests. All transactions and other events that could potentially impact competition are carefully analyzed and, if necessary, agreed with competition authorities.
Yandex neither supports nor tolerates any retaliation against companies or individuals for raising compliance concerns over Yandex actions. There is a dedicated hotline which you can use to submit your questions regarding Yandex competition law compliance or file a complaint:

Ethical AI

To cultivate trust in Yandex technologies, we design and develop our solutions based on clearly articulated principles. There include:
  • user-centricity
  • safety
  • reliability
  • lack of bias
  • transparency