Yandex Service Partners

By partnering with Yandex services, a variety of individuals and businesses gain an opportunity to earn money while having liberty to choose when and how they engage with Yandex. While there are separate teams within Yandex dedicated to providing support to each of the group of partners, they all are guided by the same objective: to ensure that our partners can work safely and securely.
Yandex Go partners giving rides and completing Yandex Delivery orders
Fleet management companies
Yandex Go partners connecting their fleet to the platform
Yandex Eats, Delivery, Yandex Lavka and Yandex Delivery partners delivering orders
Yandex Eats and Delivery partners connected to the platform and offering delivery options
Grocery stores
Yandex Eats and Delivery partners using the platform for delivery
Yandex Market partners listing their goods on the marketplace
Advertising companies
Businesses placing ads via Yandex Direct or Yandex Advertising Network
Small food manufacturers
Yandex Lavka partners suppling their products to the service’s dark stores
...and others

Our Principles


We strive to offer as many partnership opportunities as possible, while minimizing any roadblocks to using these opportunities.


Our goal is to make our services resilient to any disruptions, so that our partners always have accesses to orders, applicable benefits, and are provided with the most up-to-date information and support.


We ensure that our rules are transparent and our partners are aware of them. We do not do anything without good reason, and we can always clearly explain our decisions when resolving a grievance or delivering a product release.

Partner Benefits

Voluntary medical insurance

Yandex continues to be one of the few companies globally offering a medical insurance scheme to drivers and couriers to protect their earnings.
Service partners can opt in to additional insurance that covers situations where the driver or courier isn't on an active order. In the event of illness, the insurance company compensates the service partner (similar to sick pay) at a rate established for the particular region. If a partner has Silver, Gold, or Platinum status in the rewards program, the cost of the policy is returned in full or in part as bonuses to their Yandex Pro balance.

Accident insurance (drivers)

By default, all drivers (as well as taxi riders) receive accident insurance with the coverage of up to RUB 2 million while they are on duty with Yandex Go. Payments are made in accordance with the approved insurance policy.

Accident insurance (couriers)

By default, all couriers receive accident insurance with the coverage of up to RUB 2 million while being active in the service: on the way to pick up or drop off orders or when waiting for one. Payments are made in accordance with the approved insurance policy.

Support 24/7

We strive to establish just interactions between drivers and users. Drivers dealing with unruly passenger behavior can defend their interests by activating the Conflict function in the Yandex Pro app: it starts an audio recording to document everything that is happening in the car. We have also developed special podcasts for drivers with guidelines on how to handle conflict situations.
To get help resolving disputes with customers or restaurants, delivery couriers can contact courier support team. Tasked with building a culture of safety and integrity, the support team will evaluate each reported issue and assist accordingly – up to restricting access to the service for customers that demonstrated abusive behavior.

Support for the disabled

Since 2018, we have been adapting to the needs of deaf and hearing-impaired service partners so that they can more easily earn a living through our platforms. There are special web resources that guide them through all necessary details to set up for the job, as well as training materials in sign language.
We also embedded features in partner and user applications to ensure smooth communication. Hearing-impaired partners receive order requests via chat or light alerts instead of calls or audio notifications, and customers are asked to explain all details in writing.

Other benefits

In 2023, we launched a meal program from Yandex Lavka for partners of our city services. Now couriers and drivers have access to two-item combo meals at a discounted price. We allocated more than RUB 60 million to support the program and subsidize the majority of the cost of combo meals. Lunches are available to purchase in the Discounts for Partners section of the Yandex Lavka and Yandex Go apps and pick up in the nearest Yandex Lavka dark store. The price of any lunch combo is RUB 95.
We offer a rewards program for drivers that provides a range of benefits upon completing a certain number of ride orders.
We also develop special support programs for self-employed partners. Provided services include access to free legal consultations and preferential auto loan programs in collaboration with regional authorities and banks. In 2023, we offered self-employed partners a new debit bank card from Yandex Bank with free service and instant payments without
additional fees.

Partner Safety

Safe driving monitoring

We have implemented GPS-based systems that track driving speed, notify drivers about traffic accidents, school zones and other no-speeding areas along the way, and warn them if speed limit is being exceeded.

Safe cycling

We partner with thousands of bike couriers and develop safety measures to ensure safe deliveries.

Vehicle telechecks

All vehicles need to undergo regular safety telechecks to validate that they meet all applicable safety standards.

Anti-fatigue measures

Ensuring our partners' well-rested state during duty is a priority. Our shift monitoring system helps prevent overworking, while the Yandex Go app features a convenient tool to find restaurants with resting zones, offering drinking water, free hot beverages, phone charging, and other amenities.