Quality Content

We want all our users to have access to useful content that is reliable, ethical and safe.

Search Content

We strive to shield users of Yandex Search from inappropriate content and ensure that search results are of high quality.

Ranking and filtering

Yandex Search algorithms are attuned to make decisions based on understanding of what users need and what information is valuable (discover how Yandex Search works). Improved ranking cannot be bought. Yandex strictly follows Search Ranking Rules (RU), under which low-quality webpages (for example, sites that do not present original content, mislead users — explore what we consider to be signs of low-quality sites) are ranked lower or excluded from the search results. Some websites may try to apply special techniques to artificially influence site ranking. To prevent cheating activities, Yandex robots analyze the page content and determine whether it meets Search Engine Optimization Rules (RU) and shows no signs of violations.

Malware checks

Yandex robots that crawl webpages check them for infections and undesirable program files that may lead to data theft or compromised integrity of operating system components. If a danger is detected, we place marks in the search results warning users about the site being dangerous or containing dangerous files.

Spam and banned content

Spam is tagged as a low-quality content and automatically removed from search results. Yandex also abides by all applicable laws regarding content bans. We disclose the number of links removed from the search results as a matter of response to legally binding requests of Roskomnadzor, Russia’s mass media monitoring authority, in our Transparency Report. All users who search for content that was removed due to legal restrictions see a message explaining the grounds for content removal.

Source verification

Yandex works with healthcare experts to review medical information, check authors of publications for reliability, and validate that the website belongs to a medical organization.
We have also introduced a search feature that made it easier and safer for patients to look for doctors online. After a user enters a search query, Yandex algorithms carefully analyze information from partner sources and return profiles of doctors with the relevant expertise and location, along with reviews from real patients. These profiles are ranked based on a number of criteria, including the years of medical practice, expert recognition, and more.

Advertising Content

As a platform for advertisers, Yandex commits to ensuring fair competition between advertisers, combatting fraud, and protecting users from unwanted ads and ads that violate advertisement requirements.

Ad moderation

Yandex mostly relies on automated moderation, which employs robots to check ads for compliance with applicable laws and Advertisement Requirements. Ads shall be ethical — shall not use offensive language, mislead users, encourage unlawful conduct or advertise illegal products and services (explore what and how can be advertised in the Russian Federation). If the robots are unable to deliver a definite verdict, the ad gets checked manually by a specialist who follows strict moderation guidelines. We continuously teach both our personnel and algorithms to detect fraudulent schemes that aim to deceive the validator.

Ad relevance

We strive to only display ads that are relevant to our users. Targeting relies on what we learn about users’ interaction with Yandex services and resources. Such information is collected and processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy, and users can request the erasure of personal data at any time via data management tool available in their Yandex ID accounts.

Political ads

Yandex advertising services do not accept political ads: vote campaigning, opinion polls, election or referenda results forecasts, endorsements or criticism of politician, political parties and other political entities or figures, among those.

Nonprofit ads

As we intend to raise public awareness about pressing social issues, we welcome nonprofit advertising that is ethical and aimed at achieving social good.
Our updated rules for social advertising stipulate that such ads must not contain political content, threats, provocative images that evoke strong negative emotions, and unfairly exploit of the feeling of civic duty. You can access a regularly updated report on social advertising here (RU).

> 214,000

fraudulent Yandex Direct accounts were permanently blocked in 2023

35 million

malicious ads were rejected in 2023 due to incompliance with our requirements and the law

Protecting Children Online

We aim to create a safe internet space for children, where they can study, make friends, and have fun. In 2021, Yandex supported an industry initiative by joining the Alliance for the Protection of Children in the Digital Environment, and committed to promoting digital literacy as well as developing safe ways of browsing the web.

Children's accounts on Yandex seamlessly integrate with Yandex Search, Yandex Music, Kinopoisk and other Yandex services. When activated, Yandex Search and Yandex Browser will automatically hide any disturbing content and adult websites, even if intentionally searched for by the child. Yandex Music app applies filters to eliminate tracks and audio content that contain offensive language. Kinopoisk adjusts its recommendations based on the user’s age, suggesting only age-appropriate films and animated shows. To manage their child’s screen time, parents have the option to remotely power off TVs, tablets, or any other devices using the Kinopoisk app.

All smart devices featuring Alice, Yandex’s AI assistant, automatically switch to family mode when addressed by a child. Family mode blocks content that contains rude and obscene language. Alice also has a safe mode, which is even stricter than the family mode: it only plays content created specifically for kids, such as fairy tales or verbal games for speech development and teaching healthy habits like brushing teeth and washing hands.