Education for all

Yandex educational programs guide and assist learners at various stages, from introductions to mathematics and informatics to obtaining the most in-demand skills for building a career in digital technologies.

Educational Initiatives Through Time

Free Educational Initiatives Today

In 2019, we consolidated our experience with educational projects and introduced a comprehensive pro bono educational stream that focused on teaching computer skills to the youth, training educators on effective teaching techniques with the use of cutting-edge digital instruments, supporting research and modernizing education infrastructure.
Our programs are grounded in the experience of specialists who work with these technologies daily, addressing highly in-demand subjects that are often inaccessible due to a lack of training programs or qualified instructors.
Free educational programs lay at the core of our commitment to creating equal opportunities and changing the perception of IT occupations being 'male' jobs. We focused on building awareness about careers in IT and developing technological acumen among all, empowering female students, the ones who often feel hesitant, to pursue university degrees and careers in tech.

First Educational Projects

With the aim to contribute to fostering education in Russia and to address the shortage of IT specialists in the market, we launched our first educational project, Yandex’s School of Data Analysis (YSDA), back in 2007. The YSDA began offering free then-unique data science courses to university students and graduates. Building on the initiative’s success, we proceeded with investing in knowledge sharing and digital tools for improved learning experience — through partnerships with leading universities and research institutions and learning solutions for students and teachers.

Areas of Impact

Improving access to quality IT and mathematics education


schoolchildren graduated from annual
Yandex Lyceum courses in 2023


of graduates of Yandex School of Data Analysis have worked or currently work
at Yandex

Key projects

  • In 2023, Yandex Lyceum transformed from a rigid two-year program to a flexible educational environment. Now learners have access to annual programming courses and three-month online courses in various specializations (game development, big data, machine learning, and more). We also expanded our audience beyond high school students to include first- and second-year students from vocational schools and colleges.
  • Yandex has established partnerships with leading Russian universities. Today, more than 4,000 students at 16 universities are enrolled in our Bachelor's and Master's programs. Together with partner universities, we train in-demand IT specialists from various fields, from machine learning engineers to sociologists and economists skilled in data analysis.

Helping teachers and developing the community of educators

> 1.6 million

students and over 72,000 teachers from 22,000 schools in Russia used
Yandex Textbook in 2023


teachers from different regions of Russia participated in the Talent Pool program in 2023

Key projects

  • Free educational platform for schoolchildren to study mathematics and informatics, and for teachers to participate in professional development programs.
  • Free professional development program for school informatics teachers and students majoring in education or pedagogy.

Supporting science and fostering a knowledge society


Yandex ML Prize winners since 2019

> 3 million

schoolchildren participated in the Digital Classrom lessons prepared by Yandex in 2023

Key projects

  • The Yandex Prize in machine learning (renamed the Yandex ML Prize in 2023) was established in 2019 in honor of Yandex co-founder Ilya Segalovich. The award aims to support the scientific community in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan by recognizing outstanding achievements in computer science.
  • Russia-wide educational project that introduces children to the basics of digital economy and technology trends.

Building strong education infrastructure through technology and research

~ 100,000

schoolchildren have used the platform to study for the Unified State Exam in informatics

> 9,000

students used Yandex Cloud for studies
in 2023

Key projects

  • In 2023, Yandex Textbook launched a free platform with a built-in AI assistant to help prepare for the Unified State Exam in informatics. The AI assistant can explain theory and unfamiliar terms, point out errors in code or solutions, and ask leading questions to help students reach the correct answer independently.
  • Yandex Cloud serves as a technological partner for over 70 Russian universities, including Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and more. The platform supports teachers and student communities by holding open webinars and workshops on cloud services, and also provides grants to universities and research institutes.

Practicum by Yandex

Yandex also runs Practicum, an online bootcamp that targets self-driven individuals seeking careers in IT.
Practicum by Yandex offers more than 150 paid reskilling and upskilling programs in the areas of web development, data analysis, backend development, QA testing, data engineering and other fields, each calibrated to suit learners of different backgrounds and skill levels, from the beginners to the advanced audience. Students are offered immersive, practice-oriented experiences guided by tech industry professionals.

Real-life business cases

Immersive, practice-oriented experiences

>4,000( partner companies offer job opportunities to graduates)

Guidance from tech professionals and career support

From course completion to job interviews and first weeks at work, learners receive personalized guidance and assistance by Practicum’s team of experienced tutors, reviewers, and career specialists. Today, Practicum graduates can access job openings at more than 4,000 companies partnering with the platform.

Equality and representation

In 2023, women made up 55% of Practicum graduates